December 22, 2011
NTR022 & NTR021 - Windmill • Waterwheel & 56K

December 21, 2011
56K and windmill<>waterwheel: sound samples
More info in a moment...
December 13, 2011
Ben Owen - "Birds and Water, 1" Reviews

November 10, 2011
Tape Mix by Discrepant

November 08, 2011
Tiny Music - "Epitaph" reviews
October 18, 2011
NTR018 - Ben Owen - "Birds and Water, 1"

#1 : ( Notice #18 ) Ben Owen : " Birds and Water, 1 " (C94)
Items of Interest :
October 01, 2011
Tour imminent

Larger image available here
Below are tour dates for the upcoming tour, now "The Eye of Amsterdam Super 8 U.S. Tour." The Eye of Amsterdam, of course, refers to our traveling companion, Jaap Pieters. Be sure to catch Travis & Evan accompanying his amazing films if we pass your way.
Dates below...
Autumn tour with Jaap Pieters and Dense Reduction and solo
October 5 – New York - Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue, 10003 (films only)
October 6 – New York - Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue, 10003 (films only)
October 9 – Brooklyn – Vaudeville Park, 26 Bushwick Avenue, 11211 (music with Dense Reduction, w/ Ben Owen, Yellow Crystal Star, Anne Guthrie)
October 10 - Middletown Springs, VT - Dogstar Arts, 277 Spruce Knob Rd, 05757 (films, Travis and Evan accompaniment)
October 12 – Boston – O’Brien’s Pub, 3 Harvard Avenue, 02134 (music with Dense Reduction, w/ Xela, Veiled, Abromiax, Double Awake), 8 PM/$7
October 13 – Boston - Spectacle, 128 Brookside, 02130 (films, Travis and Evan accompaniment)
October 14 – Philadelphia – TBA (films, Travia and Evan accompaniment)
October 17 – Pittsburgh - Melwood Screening Room @ Pittsburgh Filmmakers, 477 Melwood, 15213 (films, Travis and Evan accompaniment)
October 18 – Pittsburgh – TBA (music with Dense Reduction)
October 19 – Toledo - Robinwood Concert House, 2564 Robinwood Ave, 43610 (films, Travis and Evan accompaniment)
October 21 – Chicago - Cinema Borealis, 1550 N. Milwaukee, 60622 (films, Travis and Evan accompaniment)
October 22 – Chicago - Enemy, 1550 N. Milwaukee, 60622 (music with Dense Reduction), 7 PM
October 25 – Madison – Good Style Shop (solo music)
October 26 – Madison - Union South, 1308 W. Dayton St, 53715 (films, Travis accompaniment)
October 29 - Milwaukee - Mitchell Hall at UWM, Room B-91, 3203 N. Downer Avenue, 53211 (films, Travis accompaniment)
September 12, 2011
Updates, News *UPDATED*

The Wire magazine has posted two of our tapes on their "Sleeves Received" blog, featuring "gems" received in their "mailbag". A great, simple blog, highlighting some of the fantastic printing and design work on so many records, CDs, and cassette tapes these days. Here: http://thewiremagazine.tumblr.com/post/9921335615/the-wire-magazine-notice-recordings
Thank you
September 04, 2011
Notice #16 & #19 - Evan Lindorff-Ellery & Tiny Music

Two new tapes for the late Summer
NTR007 - Dense Reduction, Shadows of Shipwrecks in Napkins on Shore (few) NTR011 – Yellow Crystal Star, Pathway To Celestial Towers (few) NTR014 - Godseye, No More Cake Here (few) NTR015 - Organ of Species, Random Selection NTR017 - Nathan McLaughlin, Echolocation #5
If you’re interested in any of these, let us know. Deals may be had.
Items of Interest :